April 13, 2013

Where has the time gone?

Does budgeting your time give you an edge? I’ve looked at the numbers and figured that poor time management and laziness are the greatest factors in my lack of time. Here’s what a typical week day looks like…

1 hour of prayer
30 minutes to shower/dress for work
1 hour spent waking my husband out of a deep sleep
1 hour of travel (round trip)
8 hours at work
1 hour of after work errands
1.5 hours cooking & cleaning
2.5 hours of reading/blogging/preparing shopping trips w/coupons
1 hour entertaining the animals
6.5 hours of sleep

I immediately recognized that there is not enough sleep going on and not enough time spent with my husband. There is nothing I can do about the commuting time, if I expect to keep my job, it’s just something I have to deal with. But there is room for improvement when it comes to after work errands and cooking/cleaning time. You may be thinking that I can cut out the “animal entertainment” hour, but in the grand scheme of things, they are like our children, and since they give us unconditional love, the least I can do is play a few games with them to keep them happy. There is always room for change, it all depends on what you consider a priority.

How do you manage your time? Feel free to share some of your tips!

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