April 09, 2013

Save a $100

What could you do with an extra $100 a month? Perhaps make an extra credit card payment or take a mini vacation? Whatever your reasons are, here are 11 practical tips to help you save that Benjamin.

Clip coupons– You can find coupons on just about everything from books to movies, fast food/fine dining, and so much more. 

Eat at home- Cooking quick fix meals at home will help to quell the desire to eat out. You can easily make a sub sandwich at home, or homemade tacos.

Save on drinks- Skip Starbucks, make a pot of coffee at home and pack your thermos. A small cup of joe at your favorite cafe averages $4.75, multiply that by 5 working days, that could be an instant savings of $23.75 a week! 

DIY goes a long way- You can easily wash your own car, break out your lawn mower, dry clean from home. You have the ability to do these things on your own if you take the time to learn how. 

Combine shopping trips- Save money on gas when you run all your errands in one trip. You know your neighborhood best so map the quickest route to save on fuel.

Pack your lunch- There's nothing like a delicious home cooked meal, pack those left overs. The average cost of lunch at a fast food restaurant is $6.25, multiply that by 5 working days, that could be an instant savings of $37.25 a week!

Don't pay your bank!- Skip the ATM, fees are too high & quickly add up. Fees can be avoided by stopping by your bank to use the ATM or when you make a store purchase, request cash back when paying with a debit card. (Walmart, Walgreens offer this feature at no additional cost) Average monthly savings$20.00 in fees.

Stop wasting money- If you don't need unlimited web, text & apps then ditch those extras. Drop premium cable channels, & fire the paper boy, you can read the news online. Paying for stuff you're not really using is like flushing money down the toilet.

The library is your friend- It's not just for checking out books anymore! You can also rent movies and music from the library for free which saves you on rental fees & from buying books that you may only read once. Skipping Netflix & Blockbuster can save you $25.00 a month.

Buy usedEbay & Craigslist are awesome resources for buying gently used items. You can find DVDs, CDs, books, video games, clothes & so much more.

Buy off brand generic- It tastes just the same as name brand, but if you must buy the big labels then plan on using coupons to help cut costs.

These are easy and fail safe tips that I've used, I ended up saving much more than $100 and gained a whole new appreciation for thriftiness.

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