Financial Goals
- Save $2500 in the Emergency Savings Fund: On Track
We currently have 50% of
our emergency fund full, all extra income from mystery shopping and overtime go
directly into the pot.
- Accrue $600 in gift card for Christmas: On Track
Between Plink, Shopkicks,
Swagbucks, Inbox Dollar, Panda Research, Checkpoints etc. I hope to hit this
goal by summer and continue letting it get bigger by November.
Personal Goals
- Plan a staycation in Autumn: Pending
- Volunteering: Starting soon
I love to help others, not
just family and friends, but complete strangers. I do not want to wait til the
holidays come to use my time and energy to help out. I’ve contacted a local
ministry that allows volunteers to help out on scheduled days. I hope to get started
before Summer arrives.
Family Goals
- Date nights with the hubby: Back by popular demand!
We’ve put this off far too
long, it’s time to get back to our romantic and fun dates. What good is being married if we can't have time to appreciate each other aside from running errands.
- Be more active at church: Starting soon
I’ve been asked to join
the Greeters ministry on a number of occasions, I’ve declined each time because
I’m not a very outgoing person and shy away whenever I meet someone new. This
is definitely going to cause me to step out of my comfort zone, but in order
for growth, God makes us stretch in these areas to make us more receptive to
his desires for us.
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